Thursday, August 8, 2013

Hot August Days!

We increased the amount of land we are farming this year.  It was quite a process.  We laid down almost 1000 feet of 1 inch pipe to get water to this new growing area this spring.  Last year, we experimented with a small run of drip tape on top of the soil and knew it worked well.  This method of irrigation conserves water and is used in as a tool in developing countries.  How fun for American agriculture to learn from how they do it in India! As with any new endeavor, the problems seemed to pile up.  And they are never what you anticipate!  But, all is going well now!  And these sure are some hot August days!  Here is the fruit of that labor - a new ~1/3 acre plot of vegetables.  Enjoy the pictures!

Looking at rows of corn, cucumbers, and beets

Rows of tomatoes, kale, and cabbages

Cabbage up close!

Lactinato Kale

Basil - and a peek at our drip tape that runs down each row

Swiss Chard next to Beets

One last picture of a portion of the field