Sunday, March 27, 2011

Ross Family Farms - 2011 Vegetables and More

Ross Family Farms - 2011 Vegetables and More

Basil - Italian type Genovese 80 days, annual
Broccoli - Blue Wind 49 days, hybrid (F1)
Broccoli - Green Sprouting 55 days
Cabbage - cone shaped Caraflex 68 days, hybrid (F1)
Cabbage - round Copenhagen Market 69 days
Cantaloupe - Hale's Best 85 days
Cauliflower - white Early Snowball 60 days
Cauliflower - White Snow Crown 50 days hybrid (F1)
Celery - Conquistador 80 days
Celery Root - Brilliant 100 days
Cucumber pickling - Boston Pickling 55 days
Cucumber - slicing Genuine 48 days, hybrid (F1)
Cucumber - slicing Straight Eight 60 days
Eggplant - purple & white Fairy Tale 63 days
Eggplant - purple Mangan 60 days, hybrid (F1)
Leek - King Richard 75 days
Melon - Sun Jewel 68 days, hybrid (F1)
Melon - white flesh Tigger 80 days
Pepper - Hot JalapeƱo Chile El Jefe 90 days, hybrid (F1)
Pepper - Hot Serrano Chile Serrano del Sol 75 days, hybrid (F1)
Pumpkin - carving Jack O Lantern days, 110
Pumpkin = carving Magic Lantern 95 days, hybrid (F1)
Squash - Winter Kabocha Orange Sunshine 95 days, hybrid (F1)
Squash = Winter - Acorn Mesa Queen 70 days, hybrid (F1)
Tomatillo - (ground cherry) Mexican Strain 65 days, organic
Tomato - Indeterminate Ace 55,  80 days
Tomato - Indeterminate Cherokee Purple 72 days
Tomato - Determinate Polbig 60 days, hybrid (F1)
Tomato - Determinate Siletz
Turnip - purple top, white globe 55 days
Watermelon - small Sugar Baby 75 days
Watermelon - small Little Baby Flower 70 days,  hybrid (F1)

NOTES: The notation "hybrid" means that the plant is a product of cross-breeding varieties.
You will not be able to save the seeds and grow the same plant next year. For tomatoes,
indeterminate varieties need to be staked, determinate varieties do not need to be staked. I will
provide growing information and be available to answer questions.
All seeds are started in a mixture of peat, pearlite, and slow release fertilizer. Seeds are not
started organically as I use a slow release fertilizer. My seeds are also not organic seeds unless
noted. We are not an organic farm.
All plants will be "hardened off" in a cold frame before release to you. This means they will be
acclimated to the local outdoor weather and ready to be planted in the ground.

ORDERS: Each plant in a 3-4 inch plastic container is $1.25. Pre-orders and deposit need to be
received by April 15th for delivery or pick up around May 15th - 25th, depending on weather.
50% deposit due upon ordering. Balance due at delivery/pickup. Please note that seed
germination is subject to many conditions. If for some reason there is a crop failure and we are
unable to grow the specific plants requested, you can choose a substitute plant from stock on hand
or be refunded your deposit. If you decide to not take possession of your plants (decide you don't
want them, buy them somewhere else, etc) you will forfeit your deposit.

By email: April Ross at rossfamily98 "at" gmail "dot" com

I will send an order confirmation within 2 business days. If you don't receive an order confirmation,
please contact me to make sure your order was received.

Thank you for your business!

Jayme and April Ross

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Springtime! Garden time!

It is time to start thinking about that garden.  Such fun!  What to plant?  How to rotate the location of the plants from last year to reduce disease?  What soil amendment is needed?

I usually draw out my garden on a piece of blank paper and start drawing squares to represent the different types of plants - and where they will go.  I intentionally move plant location from year to year.  Except, of course, those plants that don't move - like raspberry and blueberry bushes and the strawberry patch.

I began starting my own seeds for the plants in my garden years ago.  I just couldn't find tomato plants locally that would give me enough tomatoes for lots of salsa before our first frost - sometimes in September!  Then, since I began growing tomatoes from seed, it was easy to just start adding on other veggies.

This year I will be starting many different veggies from seed.  For the first time, I'm taking pre-orders for garden plants.  You can choose from the seeds that I have.  Then in mid May - I'll have a plant for you in a 3-4 inch pot ready to go into your garden!  Need an order form or more information, just let me know.